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The Doll Doctor
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The Flying Twins
A Message Through Flames
The White Rose
Shep the Sentinel
The Patriot and the Spy
His Guardian Auto
The Skinflint
Check No. 130
Getting 'Em Right
The Stolen Jewels
$1,000 Reward
The Undertow
Kaiser's Finish
The Night of the Dub
A Newspaper Nemesis
The Lords of High Decision
The Unnecessary Sex
Winning Back His Love
The Woman Who Believed
Getting His Goat
Pathways of Life
Billy's War Brides
Alias Billy Sargent
Accusing Evidence
Blaming the Duck, or Ducking the Blame
The Climber
The Twinkler
Luke, the Candy Cut-Up
Hearts and Sparks
Beauty Unadorned